Lib-DVM - detailed design (contents) | Part 1(1-7) | Part 2 (8-11) | Part 3 (12) Error messages (12.3-12.4) |
Error messages back <> forward beginning |
document date: february, 2001 | - last edited 03.05.01 - |
*** RTS err 032.000: wrong call getps_
(the abstract machine is not a DVM object;
AMRef = <reference to the abstract machine>)
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 032.001: wrong call getps_
(the object is not an abstract machine;
AMRef = <reference to the abstract machine>)
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine is not an abstract machine.
*** RTS err 032.010: wrong call setpsw_
(the processor system is not a DVM object;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 032.011: wrong call setpsw_
(the object is not a processor system;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a processor system.
*** RTS err 032.012: wrong call setpsw_
(the given PS is not a subsystem of the parental PS;
PSRef = <reference to processor system, for which elements
coordinate weights is required to set>;
ParentPSRef = <reference to the parental processor system>)
Processor system, passed to the function, is not parental processor system (that is the system, parental abstract machine is mapped on) or its direct or indirect subsystem.
*** RTS err 032.013: wrong call setpsw_
(the given PS is not a subsystem of the current PS;
PSRef = <reference to processor system, for which elements
coordinate weights is required to set>;
CurrentPSRef = <reference to the current processor system>)
Processor system, passed to the function, is not the current processor system or its direct or indirect subsystem.
*** RTS err 032.015: wrong call setpsw_
(the representation is not a DVM object;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 032.016 wrong call setpsw_
(the object is not an abstract machine representation;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not an abstract machine representation.
*** RTS err 032.017: wrong call setpsw_
(the parental AM has not been mapped;
AMViewRef = <reference to the parental abstract machine
ParentAMRef = <reference to the parental abstract machine>)
The representation of not mapped parental abstract machine is passed to the function.
*** RTS err 032.019: wrong call setpsw_
(invalid CoordWeightArray[<element index>] = <element
value> £ 0;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
Wrong value (£ 0) of processor coordinate weight in specified element of CoordWeightArray.
*** RTS err 032.020: wrong call genblk_
(the processor system is not a DVM object;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 032.021: wrong call genblk_
(the object is not a processor system;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a processor system.
*** RTS err 032.022: wrong call genblk_
(invalid AxisCount: AxisCount = <number of processor system
dimensions for which processor coordinate weights are
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>;
PSRank = <dimension of the processor system>)
Wrong number of processor system dimensions, for which processor coordinate weights are specified (wrong number of AxisWeightAddr array elements, containing addresses of arrays with processor coordinate weights).
*** RTS err 032.030: wrong call crtps_
(the processor system is not a DVM object;
PSRef = <reference to the initial processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 032.031: wrong call crtps_
(the object is not a processor system;
PSRef = <reference to the initial processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a processor system.
*** RTS err 032.032: wrong call crtps_
(the initial PS is not a subsystem of the current PS;
PSRef = <reference to the initial processor system>;
CurrentPSRef = <reference to the current processor system>)
Source processor system, passed to the function, is not the current processor system or its direct or indirect subsystem.
*** RTS err 032.035: wrong call crtps_
(InitIndexArray[<dimension number of parental abstract machine
representation minus 1>] = <initial value of created
processor system index> ³
<dimension size of source processor system>;
PSRef = <reference to the initial processor system>)
Initial value of created processor system index for specified dimension is more than or equal to this dimension size in source processor system.
*** RTS err 032.036: wrong call crtps_
(InitIndexArray[<dimension number of parental abstract machine
representation minus 1>] =
<initial index value of created processor system> < 0;
PSRef = <reference to the initial processor system>)
Negative initial value of created processor system index for specified dimension.
*** RTS err 032.037: wrong call crtps_
(LastIndexArray[<dimension number of parental abstract machine
representation minus 1>] = <last value of created processor
system index> ³
<dimension size of source processor system>;
PSRef = <reference to the initial processor system>)
Last value of created processor system index for specified dimension is more than or equal to this dimension size in source processor system.
*** RTS err 032.038: wrong call crtps_
(LastIndexArray[<dimension number of parental abstract machine
representation minus 1>] =
<last value of created processor system index> < 0;
PSRef = <reference to the initial processor >)
Negative last value of created processor system index for specified dimension.
*** RTS err 032.039: wrong call crtps_
(InitIndexArray[<dimension number of parental abstract machine
representation minus 1>] =
<initial value of created processor system index> >
LastIndexArray[<dimension number of parental abstract machine
representation minus 1>] =
<last value of created processor system index>;
PSRef = <reference to the initial processor system>)
Initial value of created processor system index for specified dimension is more than its last value.
*** RTS err 032.050: wrong call psview_
(the processor system is not a DVM object;
PSRef = <reference to the initial processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 032.051: wrong call psview_
(the object is not a processor system;
PSRef = <reference to the initial processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a processor system.
*** RTS err 032.052: wrong call psview_
(the initial PS is not a subsystem of the current PS;
PSRef = <reference to the initial processor system>;
CurrentPSRef = <reference to the current processor system>)
Source processor system, passed to the function, is not current processor system or its direct or indirect subsystem.
*** RTS err 032.055: wrong call psview_
(rank of the new PS = <created processor system rank>;
PSRef = <reference to the initial processor system>)
The rank of created processor system is less than or equal to zero or exceeds maximal possible rank.
*** RTS err 032.056: wrong call psview_
(SizeArray[<element index>] = <element value> £ 0;
PSRef = <reference to the initial processor system>)
Wrong (zero or negative) dimension size of created processor system in specified element of SizeArray array.
*** RTS err 032.057: wrong call psview_
(New PSSize = <number of elements in created processor
system> ¹
Old PSSize = <number of elements in source processor
PSRef = <reference to the initial processor system>)
A number of elements in source and created processor systems is not equal.
*** RTS err 032.070: wrong call delps_
(the processor system is not a DVM object;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 032.071: wrong call delps_
(the object is not a processor system;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a processor system.
*** RTS err 032.080: wrong call setelw_
(the processor system is not a DVM object;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 032.081: wrong call setelw_
(the object is not a processor system;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a processor system.
*** RTS err 032.082: wrong call setelw_
(the given PS is not a subsystem of the parental PS;
PSRef = <reference to processor system, for which elements
processor coordinate weights is required to set>;
ParentPSRef = <reference to the parental processor system>)
Processor system, passed to the function, is not parental processor system (that is the system, parental abstract machine is mapped on) or its direct or indirect subsystem.
*** RTS err 032.083: wrong call setelw_
(the given PS is not a subsystem of the current PS;
PSRef = <reference to processor system, for which elements
processor coordinate weights is required to set>;
CurrentPSRef = <reference to the current processor system>)
Processor system, passed to the function, is not the current processor system or its direct or indirect subsystem.
*** RTS err 032.085: wrong call setelw_
(the representation is not a DVM object;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 032.086 wrong call setelw_
(the object is not an abstract machine representation;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not an abstract machine representation.
*** RTS err 032.088: wrong call setelw_
(the parental AM has not been mapped;
AMViewRef = <reference to the parental abstract machine
ParentAMRef = <reference to the parental abstract machine>)
Representation of not mapped parental abstract machine is passed to the function.
*** RTS err 032.090: wrong call setelw_
(invalid AddrNumber: AddrNumber = <number of processor system
dimensions for which coordinate weights of processor loading are
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>;
PSRank = <processor system rank>)
Wrong number of processor system dimensions, for which coordinate weights of processor loading are specified (wrong number of elements in LoadWeightAddr array containing addresses of arrays with coordinate weights of processor loading).
*** RTS err 032.091: wrong call setelw_
(invalid WeightNumber[<element index>] = <element
value> < 0)
Wrong (negative) number of coordinate weights of processor loading in specified element of WeightNumber array.
*** RTS err 032.092: wrong call setelw_
(invalid LoadWeightAddr[<processor system dimension number
minus one>][< loading coordinate weight index>] = <
loading coordinate weight value> < 0)
Wrong (negative) coordinate weight of processor loading in specified element of the array containing loading coordinate weights of processor system specified dimension.
12.4 Mapping abstract machine representation
*** RTS err 036.000: wrong call distr_
(the abstract machine representation is not a DVM object;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 036.001: wrong call distr_
(the object is not an abstract machine representation;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not abstract machine representation.
*** RTS err 036.002: wrong call distr_
(the representation has already been mapped;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
Attempt to map abstract machine representation, already mapped by distr_ (redis_, mdistr_, mredis_) function.
*** RTS err 036.003: wrong call distr_
(the daughter abstract machine of the representation has already
been mapped;
AMViewRef = <reference to the parental abstract machine
DaughterAMRef = <reference to already mapped descendant
abstract machine>)
Attempt to map abstract machine representation, given element of which has already been mapped by mapam_ function.
*** RTS err 036.010: wrong call distr_
(the processor system is not a DVM object;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 036.011: wrong call distr_
(the object is not a processor system;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a processor system.
*** RTS err 036.012: wrong call distr_
(the given PS is not a subsystem of the parental PS;
PSRef = <reference to processor system, passed to the
ParentPSRef = <reference to processor system, parental
abstract machine is mapped on>)
Processor system, passed to the function, doesn't coincide with processor system, parental abstract machine is mapped on, and isn’t its direct or indirect subsystem.
*** RTS err 036.013: wrong call distr_
(the given PS is not a subsystem of the current PS;
PSRef = <reference to processor system, passed to the function
CurrentPSRef = <reference to the current processor system>)
Processor system, passed to the function, doesn't coincide with the current processor system and isn’t its direct or indirect subsystem.
*** RTS err 036.014: wrong call distr_
(the parental AM has not been mapped;
AMViewRef = <reference to the parental abstract machine
representation>; ParentAMRef = <reference to the parental
abstract machine>)
Attempt to map representation of not mapped parental abstract machine.
*** RTS err 036.020: wrong call distr_
(invalid ParamCount: ParamCount = <number of parameters with
mapping rules>;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>;
PSRank = <dimension of the processor system>)
Wrong number of the parameters with abstract machine representation mapping rules.
*** RTS err 036.021: wrong call distr_
(AxisArray[<element index>] = <element value> <
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
Wrong (negative) value of dimension number of abstract machine representation in specified element of AxisArray array.
*** RTS err 036.022: wrong call distr_
(AxisArray[<element index>] = <element value> >
<dimension of the abstract machine representation>;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
Wrong value of dimension number of abstract machine representation in specified element of AxisArray array.
*** RTS err 036.023: wrong call distr_
(DistrParamArray[<element index>] = <element value>
< 0;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
Wrong value of the mapping rule parameter in specified element of DistrParamArray array.
*** RTS err 036.024: wrong call distr_
(DistrParamArray[<element index>] = <element value> ³ <dimension size of the
processor system>;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
Wrong value of the mapping rule parameter (Const) in specified element of DistrParamArray array (the case AxisArray[<element index>] = -1).
*** RTS err 036.025: wrong call distr_
(DistrParamArray[<element index>] = <element value>
< <minimal possible element value>;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
Wrong value of the mapping rule parameter in specified element of DistrParamArray array (not all dimensions of abstract machine representation are covered by mapping rule).
*** RTS err 036.026: wrong call distr_
(AxisArray[<element 1 index>] = AxisArray[<element 2
index>] = <common value>;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
The same dimension numbers of abstract machine representation in different elements of AxisArray array.
*** RTS err 036.050: wrong call redis_
(ReDistrPar = <value, not permitting using array for indirect
specification of redistributed representation>;
ArrayHeader[0] = <reference to the distributed array
The diagnostics is reported in the case, if redistributed representation of abstract machine are specified indirectly, but using its representing array for redistribution is not allowed.
*** RTS err 036.051: wrong call redis_
(the array has not been aligned;
ArrayHeader[0] = <reference to the distributed array
The diagnostic is output in the case, if redistributed representation of abstract machine are specified indirectly, and the array, representing it, is not mapped.
*** RTS err 036.060: wrong call redis_
(the abstract machine representation is not a DVM object;
AMViewRef = <reference to abstract machine representation>)
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 036.061: wrong call redis_
(the object is not an abstract machine representation;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not abstract machine representation.
*** RTS err 036.065: wrong call redis_
(the abstract machine of the representation has descendants;
AMViewRef = <reference to remapped representation of the
abstract machine >;
AMRef = <reference to having descendants abstract machine of
remapped representation>)
Attempt to remap abstract machine representation, not all elements of which are abstract machine tree leafs.
*** RTS err 036.066: wrong call redis_
(the processor system is not a DVM object;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 036.067: wrong call redis_
(the object is not a processor system;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a processor system.
*** RTS err 036.068: wrong call redis_
(the given PS is not a subsystem of the parental PS;
PSRef = <reference to processor system, passed to the
ParentPSRef = <reference to processor system, parental
abstract machine is mapped on>)
Processor system, passed to the function, doesn't coincide with the processor system, parental abstract machine is mapped on, and isn’t its direct or indirect subsystem.
*** RTS err 036.069: wrong call redis_
(the given PS is not a subsystem of the current PS;
PSRef = <reference to processor system, passed to the
CurrentPSRef = <reference to the current processor system>)
Processor system, passed to the function, doesn't coincide with the current processor system and isn’t its direct or indirect subsystem.
*** RTS err 037.000: wrong call setgrn_
(the abstract machine representation is not a DVM object;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 037.001: wrong call setgrn_
(the object is not an abstract machine representation;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not abstract machine representation.
*** RTS err 037.002: wrong call setgrn_
(invalid Axis parameter: Axis = <value>)
Wrong dimension number of abstract machine representation Axis (less then 1 or more than rank of abstract machine representation).
*** RTS err 037.003: wrong call setgrn_
(invalid GroupNumber parameter: GroupNumber = <value>)
Wrong (negative) number of groups GroupNumber, on which passed to the function dimension of abstract machine representation must be splitted.
*** RTS err 037.010: wrong call gettar_
(the abstract machine representation is not a DVM object;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 037.011: wrong call gettar_
(the object is not an abstract machine representation;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not abstract machine representation.
*** RTS err 037.012: wrong call gettar_
(invalid Axis parameter: Axis = <value>)
Wrong dimension number of abstract machine representation Axis (less then 1 or more than rank of abstract machine representation).
*** RTS err 037.020: wrong call rsttar_
(the abstract machine representation is not a DVM object;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 037.021: wrong call rsttar_
(the object is not an abstract machine representation;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not abstract machine representation.
*** RTS err 037.022: wrong call rsttar_
(invalid Axis parameter: Axis = <value>)
Wrong dimension number of abstract machine representation Axis (less then 1 or more than rank of abstract machine representation).
*** RTS err 038.000: wrong call amvmap_
(the abstract machine representation is not a DVM object;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 038.001: wrong call amvmap_
(the object is not an abstract machine representation;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not abstract machine representation.
*** RTS err 038.002: wrong call amvmap_
(the abstract machine representation has not been mapped;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
Attempt to request the map of not remapped representation of abstract machine.
*** RTS err 038.010: wrong call mdistr_
(the abstract machine representation is not a DVM object;
AMViewRef = <reference to abstract machine representation>)
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 038.011: wrong call mdistr_
(the object is not an abstract machine representation;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not abstract machine representation.
*** RTS err 038.012: wrong call mdistr_
(the map of the abstract machine representation is not a DVM
object; AMViewMapRef = <reference to the abstract machine
representation map>)
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation map is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 038.013: wrong call mdistr_
(the object is not a map;
AMViewMapRef = <reference to the abstract machine
representation map>)
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation map is not an abstract machine representation map.
*** RTS err 038.014: wrong call mdistr_
(the processor system is not a DVM object;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 038.015: wrong call mdistr_
(the object is not a processor system;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a processor system.
*** RTS err 038.016: wrong call mdistr_
(AMView Rank = <rank of representation > ¹ Map AMView Rank = <rank of
representation in map>)
The abstract machine representation rank specified in the function call is not equal to the rank of representation specified by the map.
*** RTS err 038.017: wrong call mdistr_
(PS Rank = <processor system rank> ¹
Map PS Rank = <rank of processor system in map>)
The processor system rank specified in the function call is not equal to the rank of processor system specified by the map.
*** RTS err 038.020: wrong call mdistr_
(the representation has already been mapped;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
Attempt to map abstract machine representation, already mapped by distr_ (redis_, mdistr_, mredis_) function.
*** RTS err 038.021: wrong call mdistr_
(the daughter abstract machine of the representation has already
been mapped;
AMViewRef = <reference to the parental abstract machine
DaughterAMRef = <reference to already mapped descendant
abstract machine>)
Attempt to map abstract machine representation, given element of which has already been mapped by mapam_ function.
*** RTS err 038.024: wrong call mdistr_
(the parental AM has not been mapped;
AMViewRef = <reference to the parental abstract machine
representation>; ParentAMRef = <reference to the parental
abstract machine>)
Attempt to map representation of not mapped parental abstract machine.
*** RTS err 038.025: wrong call mdistr_
(the given PS is not a subsystem of the parental PS;
PSRef = < reference to processor system, passed to the
ParentPSRef = <reference to processor system, parental
abstract machine is mapped on>)
Processor system, passed to the function or contained in the map, doesn't coincide with processor system, parental abstract machine is mapped on, and isn’t its direct or indirect subsystem.
*** RTS err 038.026: wrong call mdistr_
(the given PS is not a subsystem of the current PS;
PSRef = <reference to processor system, passed to the
CurrentPSRef = <reference to the current processor system>)
Processor system, passed to the function or contained in the map, doesn't coincide with processor system, parental abstract machine is mapped on, and isn’t its direct or indirect subsystem.
*** RTS err 038.030: wrong call mredis_
(ReDistrPar = <value not allowing usage of array for indirect
specification or redistributed representation>;
ArrayHeader[0] = <reference to the distributed array
The diagnostics is reported in the case, if redistributed representation of abstract machine is specified indirectly, but using the array, representing, it for redistribution is not allowed.
*** RTS err 038.031: wrong call mredis_
(the array has not been aligned;
ArrayHeader[0] = <reference to the distributed array
The diagnostic is output in the case, if redistributed representation of abstract machine is specified indirectly, and the array, representing it, is not mapped.
*** RTS err 038.032: wrong call mredis_
(the abstract machine representation is not a DVM object;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 038.033: wrong call mredis_
(the object is not an abstract machine representation;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not abstract machine representation.
*** RTS err 038.037: wrong call mredis_
(the abstract machine of the representation has descendants;
AMViewRef = <reference to remapped representation of the
abstract machine>;
AMRef = <reference to having descendants abstract machine of
remapped representation>)
Attempt to remap abstract machine representation, not all elements of which are of abstract machine tree leafs.
*** RTS err 038.038: wrong call mredis_
(the map of the abstract machine representation is not a DVM
object; AMViewMapRef = <reference to the abstract machine
representation map>)
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation map is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 038.039: wrong call mredis_
(the object is not a map;
AMViewMapRef = <reference to the abstract machine
representation map>)
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation map is not an abstract machine representation map.
*** RTS err 038.040: wrong call mredis_
(the processor system is not a DVM object;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 038.041: wrong call mredis_
(the object is not a processor system;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)
The object specified in the function call as processor system is not a processor system.
*** RTS err 038.042: wrong call mredis_
(the given PS is not a subsystem of the parental PS;
PSRef = <reference to processor system, passed to the
ParentPSRef = <reference to processor system, parental
abstract machine is mapped on>)
Processor system, passed to the function or contained in the map, doesn't coincide with processor system, parental abstract machine is mapped on, and isn’t its direct or indirect subsystem.
*** RTS err 038.043: wrong call mredis_
(the given PS is not a subsystem of the current PS;
PSRef = <reference to processor system, passed to the
CurrentPSRef = <reference to the current processor system>)
Processor system, passed to the function or contained in the map, doesn't coincide with current processor system, parental abstract machine is mapped on, and isn’t its direct or indirect subsystem.
*** RTS err 038.044: wrong call mredis_
(AMView Rank = <representation rank> ¹ Map AMView Rank =
<representation rank in map>)
The rank of abstract machine representation, passed to the function, is not equal to the rank of representation, contained in the map.
*** RTS err 038.045: wrong call mredis_
(PS Rank = <processor system rank> ¹
Map PS Rank = <processor system rank in map>)
The rank of processor system, passed to the function, is not equal to the rank of processor system, contained in the map.
*** RTS err 038.050: wrong call delmvm_
(the map of the abstract machine representation is not a DVM
object; AMViewMapRef = <reference to the abstract machine
representation map>)
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation map is not a DVM-object.
*** RTS err 038.051: wrong call delmvm_
(the object is not a map;
AMViewMapRef = <reference to the abstract machine
representation map>)
The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation map is not an abstract machine representation map.
Lib-DVM - detailed design (contents) | Part 1(1-7) | Part 2 (8-11) | Part 3 (12) Error messages (12.3-12.4) |
Error messages back <> forward beginning |