DVM-system of parallel program development
Installation guide
* December, 2000 *

- last edited 10.11.03 -


1 DVM-system installation under Windows95/NT

1.1 System installation
1.2 DVM-system verification
1.3 Demonstration program run
1.4 Problems arising during DVM-system installation

2 DVM-system installation under UNIX

2.1 System installation
2.2 DVM-system verification
2.3 Demonstration program run
2.4 DVM-program run on several workstations

1 DVM-system installation under Windows95/NT

1.1 System installation

DVM-system requirements:

To install DVM-system the following steps should be done:

  1. Select or create a directory for MPI library (for example, MPICHWIN), copy to it and unpack mpichwin.zip.

    As a result the following folders and files will be created:

    include\ - include-files;
    lib\ - library;
    copyright* - copyright information.

    For the installation of new version of DVM-system this step can be skipped (if not stated otherwise in the instruction).

  2. Select or create a directory for given (NNN-th) version of DVM system (for example, DVM_NNN);
  1. Copy to it required files from the following list
dvmNNN.tar.gz - DVM-system;
dvmUSRrhtm.tar.gz - user documentation in Russian;
dvmSYSrhtm.tar.gz - system documentation in Russian;
dvmUSRehtm.tar.gz - user documentation in English;
dvmSYSehtm.tar.gz - system documentation in English.
  1. Unpack dvmNNN.tar.gz file.

    As a result the following folders and files will be created:

      cdvm\ - C-DVM converter
      driver\ - DVM-system tools
      examples\ - demonstration programs
      fdvm\ - Fortran-DVM converter
      pppa\ - DVM-program performance analizer
      predictor\ - DVM-program performance predictor
      rts\ - DVM-program support system
      copyright - copyright information
      dvmclean* - programs to delete intermediate files
      dvmcleanall* - DVM-system uninstall programs
      dvminstall* - DVM-system uninstall programs
      makefile* - installation and uninstallation support system files
  1. Unpack one or several documentation files; and as result, additional directory dvm_sys\doc will appear.
  1. In dvminstall.bat file:

Note 1. If neither SETVARSVC nor SETVARSFTN is defined, the paths to the programs are taken from autoexec.bat.

Note 2. Predictor requires C++ compiler of standard ISO/IEC14882 “Standard for the C++ programming language”, ratified in August 1998. For example compilers Microsoft Visual C 5.0 and later, GNU C++ 2.8.1 version and later etc. Predictor can not be used with Microsoft Visual 4.0 compiler, you can exclude predictor by commenting out three lines in dvm_sys\makefile.win:

@cd predictor
@$ (MAKE)
@cd ..

If you need predictor you can use DVM-system delivered as a set of libraries and executable files.

Attention!!! DVM-system 3.04 and later versions require MPI library renewing (see 1.).

  1. In the directory dvm_sys run command:


    On successful execution message:
    “DVM-system is successfully installed”
    will be output and the following folders will be created in dvm_sys directory:

    - DVM-system executable files;
    - demonstration programs to verify DVM-system;
    - support system library;
    - support system parameters;
    - files that should be copied into user directories.

    On errors examine logfile.txt files appeared in \src subdirectories of rts, cdvm, fdvm, driver, pppa, predictor directories.

  2. DVM-system is ready for use!

Now the user should copy all files from directory dvm_sys/user to his own directory with DVM programs.

1.2 DVM-system verification

To verify correctness of DVM system installation it is recommended to run standard test procedures for two variants of Jacobi program in C-DVM (jac1.cdv) and Fortran-DVM languages (jac.fdv) (if Fortran was installed). You should run


from dvm_sys\demo directory.

This command will do the following:

Step names and results of comparison are displayed for the user at screen. After successful execution of each step a prompt is output to the screen and the user can interrupt (Ctrl+C) or continue (any key) the test execution. In case of error the prompt is not output to the screen and the test will be stop.

On successful execution of all the steps the user will see the message:

… end of testing DVM …

It means that DVM-system has been installed correctly and either demonstration or user programs can be executed.

If results are not identical to standard at any step it is necessary to check correctness of performing all steps of the instruction. Detailed information about DVM-program startup modes, used by test procedures and all diagnostics messages is contained in the following documents:

1.3 Demonstration program run

Directory dvm_sys\demo contains set of C-DVM and Fortran-DVM programs that show capabilities of DVM-system. In the directory the user can also find batch files:

alldemo.bat that start up the standard procedure of all C-DVM and Fortran-DVM demonstration program testing;
allcdemo.bat that start up the standard procedure of C-DVM demonstration program testing.

By default demonstration program execution results are saved in demo.1 and democ.1 files respectively. After execution the user can compare the results of demonstration program execution on user computer system with standard results from demo_res.win and democ_res.win in the same directory. Comparison can be made by command:

fc demo.1 demo_res.win
fc demoñ.1 democ_res.win

If the results are not matched they should be examined taking into account the following information.

On successful execution each of demonstration program output into demo.1 and democ.1 files the message.

End of test <program_name>.

If case of demonstration program execution error:

  1. the following messages are output to the screen and into demo.1 or democ.1 file:
  1. the prompt is displayed and the user can interrupt (Ctrl+C) or continue (any key) the demonstration program execution;
  1. one or several of the following files will be created:
<program name>.edb
< program name >.et1
< program name >.et2
< program name >.etr
- dynamic control error;
- trace comparison error on one processor;
- trace comparison error on two processors;
- file with standard trace.

In this case (but if DVM-system installation was succesfully verified) the user should keep above files with errors and ask for system programmer support.

1.4 Problems arising during DVM-system installation

1.4.1 Device is not ready

If during installation after the message:

Setting environment for Micrsoft Visual C++ tools

you see the message:

Device is not ready: disk <name of CD_ROM>

it means that Microsoft Visual C++ attempts to read CD_ROM. To turn off CD_ROM in file:

…\Program Files\DevStudio\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat

user should comment out or delete the string:

set vcsource=D:\DEVSTUDIO

and start up DVM-system installation once more.

1.4.2 Not enough memory for environment variables

It is possible that during the first installation or while executing DVM-program you will see the following message:

“Out of environment space”

There are three ways to increase the memory (3072 is minimal memory size for DVM-system environment variables):

Properties -> Memory -> Initial environment = 3072
Properties -> Memory -> Initial environment = 3072

The first two methods are preferable as it is sufficient to do only once.

2 DVM-system installation under UNIX

2.1 System installation

DVM-system requirements:

To install DVM-system the following steps should be done.

  1. Select or create a directory for given (NNN-th) version of DVM system (for example, DVM_NNN).
  1. Copy to it required files from the following list
dvmNNN.tar.gz - DVM-system;
dvmUSRrhtm.tar.gz - user documentation in Russian;
dvmSYSrhtm.tar.gz - system documentation in Russian;
dvmUSRehtm.tar.gz - user documentation in English;
dvmSYSehtm.tar.gz - system documentation in English.
  1. Unpack dvmNNN.tar.gz file. For example run:

    gunzip -c dvmNNN.tar| tar xf -

    As a result the following folders and files will be created:

      cdvm\ - C-DVM converter
      driver\ - DVM-system tools
      examples\ - demonstration programs
      fdvm\ - Fortran-DVM converter
      pppa\ - DVM-program performance analizer
      predictor\ - DVM-program performance predictor
      rts\ - DVM-program support system
      copyright - copyright information
      dvmclean* - programs to delete intermediate files
      dvmcleanall* - DVM-system uninstall programs
      dvminstall* - DVM-system uninstall programs
      makefile* - installation and uninstallation support system files
  1. Similary unpack one or several documentation files; and as result, additional directory dvm_sys\doc will appear.
  1. In dvminstall file:
  1. In the directory dvm_sys run command:


    On successful execution the message:
    “DVM-system is successfully installed”
    will be output and the following subdirectories will be created in dvm_sys directory:

    - DVM-system executable files;
    - demonstration programs to verify DVM-system;
    - support system library;
    - support system parameters;
    - files that should be copied in user directories.

    On errors examine logfile.txt files appeared in /src subdirectories of rts, cdvm, fdvm, driver, pppa, predictor directories.

  2. To start DVM-program on several workstations user should have working directory shared by all the computers. For that a user should be registered on each computer under the same login name and password.
    The files 'machinelist' and 'dvmwork' should be edited in dvm_sys/user directory.
    The 'machinelist' file should contain workstation list. A name of the workstation, where the DVM-program is started, must also be in the list (in the format of 'hostname' command output).
    The 'dvmwork' file must contain full name of the shared working directory.
  1. DVM-system is ready for use!

Now the user can copy all files from directory dvm_sys/user to his own directory with DVM programs.

2.2 DVM-system verification

To verify correctness of DVM system installation it is recommended to run standard test procedures for two variants of Jacobi program in C-DVM (jac1.cdv) and Fortran-DVM languages (jac.fdv). You should run:


from dvm_sys\demo directory.

This command will do the following:

On successful execution of all the steps the user will see the message:

… end of testing DVM …

It means that DVM-system has been installed correctly and either demonstration or user programs can be executed.

If results are not identical at any step the following message will appear at the screen:

!!! The result is differ from expected !!!

and DVM-system verification will be stop. Detailed information about DVM-program startup modes, used by test procedures and all diagnostics messages is contained in the following documents:

2.3 Demonstration program run

Directory dvm_sys\demo contains set of C-DVM and Fortran-DVM programs that show capabilities of DVM-system. The programs can be used for additional testing of DVM-system. In the directory dvm_sys\demo the user can run one of the two commands:

alldemo that start up the standard procedure of all C-DVM and Fortran-DVM demonstration program testing;
allcdemo that start up the standard procedure of C-DVM demonstration program testing.

By default demonstration program execution results are saved in demo.1 and democ.1 files respectively and compared with standard results from demo_res.uni and democ_res.uni files supplied with the system in the same directory. If results are coincident the following message will appear on the screen:

alldemo done
allcdemo done

If results are not coincident with standard ones the following message will appear on the screen:

result is different from demo_res.uni
result is different from democ_res.uni

On successful execution each of demonstration program output into demo.1 and democ.1 files the following message:

End of test <program_name>

2.4 DVM-program run on several workstations

To verify execution of DVM-program on several workstations it is necessary:

  1. To compile selected demo program:

    dvm c <program name>
    dvm f <program name>

  2. To start up program on N1*N2 workstations:

dvm run N1 N2 -m –cp <program name>

Example (if selected program is jac1.cdv):

dvm c jac1
dvm run 2 2 -m -cp jac1