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DEVISER - is research project in progress, open-source system that can evaluate
programs of language of logic programming of databases, Datalog. DEVISER
involves the ideas of logic programming, database theory and functional programming.
DEVISER is written on Bigloo and
is loosely-coupled with SQLite DBMS.
Alexander S. Markov, markov@nicevt.ru
Kirill Lisovsky, lisovsky@acm.org
Alexander Semenov, sashasem@mtu-net.ru
- May 22 2007: PostgreSQL and Semantic Web integration issues are considered in new report: PDF
- Nov 24 2006: DEVISER 1.2.1 is available:
- Compiled with bigloo-2.9a and SQLite 3.3.8
- Sep 20 2005: New paper about our system is available: PDF, PS
- Oct 06 2004: Section Related is opened.
You can see some interested papers
- May 24 2004: DEVISER 1.2.0 is available: dtlog-1.2.0.tar.gz .
- Language enhancements:
- it is now possible to evaluate logical and arithmetical predicates with integer numbers
- someone can assign variables
- it is possible to perform aggregation opetation on sets of facts
- It is now possible to use Scheme expressions at dtlog library
- SQLite database now is capable to store IDB too
- Better datalog program analysis and error messages
- Many bug fixes
- QSQ method is not correct on queries with new language features
(if there is idb predicates in atoms at aggregate predicate, recursive
call isn't perform)
- Mar 23 2004: DEVISER 1.1.0 is available.
- Added simple Scheme API to the DEVISER. API is implemented as a Bigloo library
- Feb 07 2004: DEVISER 1.0.0. Release includes:
- Datalog parser
- Translation Datalog rules to Relational Algebra
- Bottom-up evaluation
- Yakobi method
- Gauss-Zeidel method
- Semi-naive method
- Top-bottom evaluation
- Feb 07 2004: Site of DEVISER is opened.
Windows precompiled package (with all dlls): dtlog-1.0.0-win32-bin.zip (761 Kb)
The paper includes some documentation, benchmarks PDF, PS
The goal of project, system requirements, architecture, and documentation can be browsed online in
HTML (unfortunately, Russian)
Report about semantics of Datalog (Russian): HTML,
Any suggestion and feedback are appreciated.
For any help, suggestion or bug report please contact: